When the red color contrast with the dark blue ... it made me crazy about that so I put Lapislazuli stone and Coral together...nice necklace nice color.
GoodDeeGoods is a handmade showcase , cute products, frabric for the people who loves to buy and sell handmade goods of design talent from my friends and I . Also my hobbies and all things I love to collect.
I aM a SimpLe GaL...I havE manY emotiOns in mYselF... EverYThing i dO oR I'Ve doNe tHat aLl aboUt by my FeElinG... So iF yoU wanna Be mY frIenD juSt giVe mE yR Honest... Coz I aM a VerY veRy SensitIviTy GaL...i dO giVe You My HoNesT tOo ;p NiCe To MeEt YoU GuYs....